Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Bearing Testimony

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a great week! this week wasn't to busy but it was still good! We had our fist district meeting this week and it was great to see all the new faces that we had In the Weber East Zone. On Thursday we were able to kick off the 25 day light of the world challenge! We went up to Salvation Army as a District and volunteered up there.We helped fold and separate clothes, move furniture, and then spent most of our time unloading and shelving food in one of there warehouses! it was fun to all work together as missionaries along side the other volunteers!

Our teaching pool is still pretty good. We currently have 6 people on date and some are moving along slower then other but that's okay because we all get baptized when we are ready to be. We are still working with the Ortiz family: Carlos, Megan, and Evelyn. We also started teaching two new people Mellisa and her boyfriend Jeremy, they are both eager and excited to work towards there baptism date. We were supposed to baptize Darrin on Saturday but he was sick and we are going to push it back for a couple weeks so that his dad can be down for the baptism.

Sunday was a great day. Since we cover 8 wards we go to 3 sacraments a Sunday and try to rotate through which ones we go to. Elder Conrad challenged me to bear my testimony at all 3 sacraments and so we both ended up doing it and it was awesome. I have always struggled bearing my testimony in front of a lot of people but it has gotten a lot easier since I've been on my mission.

On a spiritual thought, I have come to realize the importance of bearing our testimonies. When I was at home I didn't have a strong testimony and you would rarely ever see me get up there and bear my testimony. It wasn't till I got on my mission that I started to grow my testimony, I really liked what Elder Conrad told me he said " A testimony is not easy, it takes hard work, and consistency to gain that testimony". Each and everyday my testimony is growing and each time I bear it, it is easier to share with others. I encourage you to look for an opportunities to share that testimony with a friend or family member this week and let them know your beliefs and feelings about the Gospel and our Savior Jesus Christ. Also keep continuing to do the 25 day light of the world tasks!

2 Nephi 27-13: And there is none other which shall view it, save it be a few according to the will of God, to bear testimony of his word unto the children of men; for the Lord God hath said that the words of the faithful should speak as if it were from the dead.

Have a great week everyone!

-Elder Bennett

Tree from Amazon that was much tinier than apperared in the picture online

All decorated

Glowing lights!

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